Steam Logistics Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Overview


Steam Logistics, a third-party logistics (3PL) provider based in Chattanooga, Tennessee, has faced several lawsuits in recent years. These lawsuits allege various issues, including wage and hour violations, discrimination, and unfair labor practices.

Wage and Hour Violations

One of the most common complaints against Steam Logistics is that the company fails to pay employees for all hours worked. This includes overtime pay, which is required by law for employees who work more than 40 hours per week. In one case, a former employee filed a lawsuit alleging that Steam Logistics owed him over $10,000 in unpaid overtime wages.


Steam Logistics has also been accused of discrimination based on race, gender, and national origin. In one case, a group of African American employees filed a lawsuit alleging that they were subjected to racial slurs and denied promotions.

Unfair Labor Practices

Steam Logistics has also been accused of unfair labor practices, such as retaliating against employees who speak out about workplace issues. In one case, a former employee filed a lawsuit alleging that he was fired after he reported safety concerns to the company.

Steam Logistics’ Response

Steam Logistics has denied all of the allegations against the company. The company has stated that it is committed to upholding its legal obligations and providing a fair and equitable workplace for all employees.


The lawsuits against Steam Logistics are still ongoing. It is too early to say what the outcome of these lawsuits will be. However, the allegations raise serious concerns about the company’s employment practices.


What is a third-party logistics (3PL) provider?

A third-party logistics (3PL) provider is a company that outsources logistics services, such as warehousing, transportation, and fulfillment, to other companies.

What is wage and hour law?

Wage and hour law is a body of law that governs the payment of wages to employees. It includes provisions for overtime pay, minimum wage, and recordkeeping.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is the treatment of a person or group differently than others based on their race, gender, religion, national origin, or other protected characteristics.

What are unfair labor practices?

Unfair labor practices are actions taken by an employer that interfere with employees’ rights to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in other protected activity.

What is retaliation?

Retaliation is an action taken by an employer to punish an employee for engaging in protected activity, such as reporting workplace violations.

What is the outcome of the lawsuits against Steam Logistics?

The lawsuits against Steam Logistics are still ongoing. It is too early to say what the outcome of these lawsuits will be.

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