Essure Lawsuit: Everything You Need to Know



If you’ve been following recent medical lawsuits, you might have heard about the Essure lawsuit. But what exactly is Essure, and why are so many people talking about it? In this article, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about the Essure lawsuit—from what Essure is to the details of the ongoing legal battles. So, buckle up and get ready for a comprehensive overview!

What is Essure?

Essure is a form of permanent birth control that was introduced to the market by Bayer. Unlike other birth control methods, Essure doesn’t require surgery. Instead, it uses small coils placed in the fallopian tubes to induce scarring, which eventually blocks the tubes and prevents pregnancy. It was marketed as a simple, non-surgical option for women seeking long-term contraception.

Overview of the Lawsuit

In recent years, Essure has been the subject of numerous lawsuits. Women who used the device have reported a range of serious health issues, from chronic pain to severe complications requiring surgery. These issues have led to a massive legal battle as affected women seek compensation for their suffering.

Background of Essure

The Development of Essure

Essure was developed as a less invasive alternative to traditional sterilization procedures. It was approved by the FDA in 2002 and quickly became popular due to its non-surgical nature. The device was intended to provide a convenient and permanent solution for women who had completed their families.

How Essure Works

Essure is inserted through the vagina and cervix and placed in the fallopian tubes. Once in place, the coils cause the body to form scar tissue around them, creating a barrier that prevents sperm from reaching the eggs. This method was touted as a breakthrough in birth control technology.

Health Concerns and Complications

Reported Health Issues

Many women who used Essure reported experiencing severe side effects, including chronic pelvic pain, bleeding, and autoimmune reactions. Some even faced issues like device migration, where the coils moved from their intended position, causing further health problems.

Common Complications

Complications related to Essure can range from minor discomfort to life-threatening conditions. The most common issues include allergic reactions to the materials used in the device, perforation of the uterus or fallopian tubes, and persistent pain. In severe cases, women required surgical removal of the device or additional procedures to correct complications.

The Essure Lawsuit

Timeline of the Lawsuit

The Essure lawsuit began gaining traction in the mid-2010s, as more and more women came forward with complaints about the device. Legal action intensified after reports of severe complications and growing dissatisfaction with how Bayer handled the situation. The lawsuits allege that Bayer failed to adequately inform users about the risks associated with Essure and downplayed the severity of the side effects.

Major Claims in the Lawsuit

The primary claims in the Essure lawsuit revolve around allegations of negligence and false advertising. Plaintiffs argue that Bayer did not provide sufficient warnings about the potential risks and failed to conduct proper post-marketing surveillance. They also claim that the company misled consumers about the safety and effectiveness of the device.

Legal Proceedings and Settlements

Current Status of the Lawsuit

As of now, the Essure lawsuit is ongoing, with numerous cases still in litigation. Bayer has faced significant pressure and criticism, leading to settlements in some cases. However, many lawsuits are still pending, and the final resolution of the overall legal battle remains uncertain.

Previous Settlements and Outcomes

In response to the mounting lawsuits, Bayer has reached settlements with some plaintiffs. These settlements typically involve compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. However, not all cases have been settled, and many affected women continue to seek justice through the courts.

What Affected Individuals Should Do

Steps to Take if You Are Affected

If you’ve experienced complications from Essure, it’s crucial to seek medical attention and document your symptoms. Consult with your healthcare provider about your options and consider reaching out to a legal expert to explore your rights.

How to File a Claim

Filing a claim involves gathering evidence of your health issues, consulting with a lawyer who specializes in medical device litigation, and initiating legal proceedings. Your lawyer can guide you through the process, help you understand your rights, and advocate on your behalf.

Advice from Legal Experts

Finding the Right Lawyer

Choosing the right lawyer is essential for navigating the complexities of the Essure lawsuit. Look for attorneys with experience in medical device litigation and a track record of successful cases. They can provide the expertise and support needed to achieve a favorable outcome.

Legal Advice and Support

Legal experts recommend documenting all health issues and interactions with healthcare providers. Keep detailed records of your symptoms, treatments, and any communications with Bayer or other parties involved. This information will be valuable in building your case.


The Essure lawsuit highlights the critical importance of safety and transparency in medical devices. While Bayer has faced significant legal challenges, the path to justice for affected women is still unfolding. If you’ve been impacted by Essure, it’s essential to seek medical and legal support to address your concerns and explore your options.


What is Essure and how does it work?

Essure is a permanent birth control device placed in the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy. It uses coils to induce scarring and block the tubes.

What are the main issues reported with Essure?

Reported issues include chronic pain, bleeding, allergic reactions, and device migration, sometimes requiring surgical intervention.

How long has the Essure lawsuit been ongoing?

The lawsuit began gaining momentum in the mid-2010s and continues with ongoing litigation and settlements.

What should I do if I experience issues with Essure?

Seek medical attention and consult with a legal expert to understand your rights and options for pursuing a claim.

How can I find a lawyer for an Essure lawsuit?

Look for attorneys with experience in medical device litigation and a proven track record of handling similar cases.

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