Stellar Management Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Overview


Stellar Management, a prominent New York-based property management company, has been embroiled in a series of lawsuits alleging various malpractices. These lawsuits have brought to light a number of concerning issues surrounding the company’s operations and its treatment of tenants and employees.

Allegations of Wage Theft and Labor Violations

One of the most significant lawsuits against Stellar Management is a class action filed in 2019 by two former employees, David Chavez and Victor Slaughter. The lawsuit alleges that Stellar Management systematically underpaid its non-exempt employees in California, denying them overtime pay and minimum wage compensation. The plaintiffs claim that the company’s practices violated the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California labor laws.

Accusations of Unfair Rent Increases and Fraudulent Renovations

In another high-profile case, dozens of tenants filed a class action lawsuit against Stellar Management in 2022. The lawsuit accuses the company of fraudulently increasing rents in rent-regulated apartments, often by claiming pricey renovations that were never actually done. The tenants allege that Stellar Management also collected J-51 tax credits for these apartments without providing the rent-stabilized rates they are supposed to come with.

Impact on Tenants and Employees

These lawsuits have had a significant impact on Stellar Management’s tenants and employees. Tenants have faced financial hardship due to unfair rent increases, while employees have been deprived of rightful wages. The lawsuits have also raised concerns about the company’s ethical practices and its commitment to fair housing.

Ongoing Legal Proceedings

The lawsuits against Stellar Management are still ongoing, and it remains to be seen how they will be resolved. However, the allegations raised in these cases have already damaged the company’s reputation and cast a shadow over its operations.


The Stellar Management lawsuits serve as a reminder of the importance of holding landlords and property management companies accountable for their actions. Tenants and employees have rights, and these rights must be protected. The outcome of these lawsuits will undoubtedly set a precedent for other cases involving similar allegations.


What is the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?

The FLSA is a federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, and other labor standards for employees in the United States.

What is rent regulation?

Rent regulation is a system of government controls that limit the amount landlords can charge tenants in certain apartments.

What is a class action lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is a lawsuit filed on behalf of a group of people who have been harmed by the same action or practice.

What is J-51 tax credit?

The J-51 tax credit is a New York City tax credit that provides tax breaks to landlords who renovate rent-stabilized apartments.

What are the potential consequences for Stellar Management if found liable in these lawsuits?

Stellar Management could face significant financial penalties, including damages to tenants and employees, as well as reputational damage.

What can tenants and employees do if they believe they have been wronged by Stellar Management?

Tenants and employees who believe they have been wronged by Stellar Management should consult with an attorney to discuss their options.

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