TempurPedic Lawsuit


TempurPedic Lawsuit: Toxic Chemicals in Mattresses?

TempurPedic is a popular brand of memory foam mattresses. However, in recent years, the company has been facing a lawsuit alleging that its mattresses contain toxic chemicals.

The lawsuit, which was filed in 2013, alleges that TempurPedic mattresses emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde. VOCs are gases that can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. They can also cause headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Some VOCs are also known carcinogens.

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit allege that TempurPedic was aware of the risks associated with VOCs, but failed to warn consumers. They also allege that the company made false and misleading claims about the safety of its mattresses.

TempurPedic has denied the allegations in the lawsuit. The company has said that its mattresses are safe and that they meet all applicable safety standards. However, the lawsuit is still ongoing and it is unclear how it will be resolved.

What is the evidence that TempurPedic mattresses contain toxic chemicals?

The plaintiffs in the lawsuit have presented evidence from independent laboratories showing that TempurPedic mattresses emit VOCs, including formaldehyde. The plaintiffs also have expert testimony from scientists who say that VOCs can pose a health risk to consumers.

TempurPedic has disputed the findings of the independent laboratories. The company has also said that the levels of VOCs emitted by its mattresses are below safe exposure levels. However, the plaintiffs argue that even low levels of VOCs can be harmful to some people.

What are the risks of exposure to VOCs?

Short-term exposure to VOCs can cause a variety of health problems, including eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; nausea; and dizziness. Long-term exposure to some VOCs can also increase the risk of cancer.

What should I do if I have a TempurPedic mattress?

If you have a TempurPedic mattress, there are a few things you can do to reduce your exposure to VOCs:

  • Ventilate your bedroom well by opening the windows and doors.
  • Use a fan to circulate the air in your bedroom.
  • Place your mattress in a room that is not used for sleeping, such as a guest room or office.
  • Consider purchasing a mattress cover that is designed to reduce VOC emissions.

If you are concerned about your health, you may also want to consider purchasing a mattress that is made from non-toxic materials.


The TempurPedic lawsuit is still ongoing, so it is unclear how it will be resolved. However, the allegations in the lawsuit raise serious concerns about the safety of TempurPedic mattresses. If you have a TempurPedic mattress, there are steps you can take to reduce your exposure to VOCs. You may also want to consider purchasing a mattress that is made from non-toxic materials.

Unique FAQs

Q: What are the other brands of mattresses that are being sued for containing toxic chemicals?

A: Other brands of mattresses that have been sued for containing toxic chemicals include Serta, Sealy, and Simmons.

Q: What are the symptoms of VOC exposure?

A: Symptoms of VOC exposure can include eye, nose, and throat irritation; headaches; nausea; dizziness; fatigue; and difficulty concentrating.

Q: What are the long-term health effects of VOC exposure?

A: Long-term exposure to some VOCs can increase the risk of cancer, respiratory problems, and neurological disorders.

Q: What can I do to protect myself from VOC exposure?

A: There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from VOC exposure, including:

  • Ventilate your home well by opening the windows and doors.
  • Use a fan to circulate the air in your home.
  • Avoid using products that contain VOCs, such as air fresheners and cleaning products.
  • Choose furniture and other products that are made from low- or no-VOC materials.

Q: What are the best non-toxic mattresses?

A: There are a number of different non-toxic mattresses available on the market. Some of the best non-toxic mattresses include:

  • Saatva Zenhaven
  • Avocado Green Mattress
  • WinkBed EcoCloud
  • Birch Mattress
  • Layla Sleep Note: I have chosen these mattresses based on their reviews and the fact that they are made from non-toxic materials. However, it is important to research different mattresses to find one that is right for you

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